
One of the best decisions that I ever made was joining an incredible ministry team back in 2019. As a leader in our ministry, I have the privilege of sharing my faith and hope in Christ to women in addiction recovery through a bi- weekly bible study where we sit knee to knee in a basement of our city and teach the Word to women who are in need of hope, redemption and grace. A personal goal of mine is to encourage women to have a hope for their future. To show them that there is a better life outside of the prison of addiction. To encourage them to break the cycle of addiction and trauma that so many of them were raised in and begin a new legacy for their children.

It is incredible to see God work in the hearts and lives of these women. It is just as beneficial for us as it is for them as well. To be constantly learning, growing and praying with other women and moms of faith is a goal that I will continue to strive for.

I hope to share some stories of the incredible work that God is doing in the hearts of these women. Just like we share with them, there is nothing too difficult for our God. No mistake too big, no addiction too strong, no shame too deep for God to forgive, redeem and wash clean. And it makes my heart full to see that the Creator of the Universe is still moving and turning lives around right in front of our eyes- changing people in a way that only God can do.

I hope that you can find some time to do something that lights a fire inside of you and fans the flame of your faith the way this ministry does for me and the women I work alongside.


Showing Shame the Door