Let Him at It.
Back in 2019, I was invited to become a part of a bible study group that goes downtown and leads a study to mothers in addiction recovery.
I count showing up the first time as one of the best decisions I have ever made. I learn and grow from every meeting just as much as the women we serve. We bring food, complete various studies throughout the year, lead discussions and pray- even rocking the little babies so moms can focus.
We have seen God do incredible things in the lives of the women we have met and studied alongside. Lives literally being turned completely around. Hope interjecting light into a place that has been so dark.
We are there, not because we have it all together, but because God has done amazing things in each of our lives and we want to tell these women that He will do the same for them if they let Him.
Our discussions teach us so many things about the hurting world around us. We talk about forgiveness and redemption, shame and grace, pain and joy. For some, like in any group of people, they come from a background of very little faith. For some, like in any group of people, they have turned their back on God because life has dealt them disappointment after disappointment. And for some, like in any group of people, they feel that what they have done in their life could never be forgiven.
We have the privilege of sharing the Good News.
That there is a God that loves them, who sent His son to pay our debt. That even though life can be painfully hard, we serve a God of redemption and a God of justice who will turn our pain into purpose. That no matter what we have done, when we seek forgiveness and ask Him into our heart, He forgives and forgets.
It is amazing to see those walls of shame come crashing down. When we ask God to help us fight our battles, He is faithful and will fill in the gaps where we cannot. He will turn our messes into our message, our trials into our triumphs.
The necklace I am always wearing reads, “Grace.” I wear it everyday. It was made by women who have been rescued out of trafficking. It is a reminder that His grace is enough. A reminder that God can make beauty for ashes.
Let Him at it.