What are you Seeking?
What are we seeking? Are we seeking what we think is going to bring us the most happiness? Seeking contentment? Seeking a better life for our family? Are we seeking peace in our finances or in our hearts?
Through my experiences I have found that anytime I go off seeking what I think I want and need and act on my own will, without seeking God’s will for my life, things typically do not turn out so well.
In fact, I typically fall flat on my face.
There is so much peace in knowing that you are in the will of God. It is like swimming with a current, instead of against one. You might be wondering how in the world you could even know such a thing. It is actually very simple. Pray.
Start by praying and seeking not YOUR will, but HIS will for your life. They are often two very different things.
Often times we think we have it all planned out. We are going to do this and achieve that.
But, when we get to the end of all of that effort and still feel discontentment- could it be that we were working outside of the will of God?
I believe that is a great source of our discontentment. When we grasp that God has a perfect plan for our life and we actually take the time to sincerely ask Him what it is, I believe He is faithful to show us.
It may come as peace. It may come as favor. It may come as joy and contentment. It could even be that gut feeling of just knowing you are moving in the right direction.
If I have prayed about something and sincerely sought God’s wisdom and will, and in my gut, I am still uneasy, I simply know that is God steering me away and I (hopefully) take heed. I do not want to swim against the current anymore. I simply don't have the energy for that.
We think we know what we need but the truth is we so often trust our feelings, and frankly, they cannot be trusted. Our feelings are rooted in emotion and how things make us feel. Jeremiah 17:9 reads, “The heart is deceitful above all things.”
The one who created you knows you, and what you need, way better than you know yourself. He wants us to trust Him with our futures.
If we do that, and submit to His will, then we better buckle up because we are about to begin the ride of our life.