Dreamer to Do-er
I believe that there are very few things that separate us from living out our dreams and achieving our goals. A few things that leave you stuck in analysis paralysis for far too long, maybe even for your whole life. They are few, but they are powerful.
One is very simple. Action.
It isn't level of education. It isn't experience.
Often, the difference between where you are now and where you want to be is simply action.
When you see someone out there doing their thing, using their gifts and talents and you think, “Wow, how do they do that?” They didn’t just wake up there, they took action. They took a first step. They stopped with just the dreaming and the “maybe someday I’ll...” and they started doing. They started saying, “Not SOMEday, but TOday I’ll...”
See, we can dream all we want. Believe me, I know this all too well. I am such a dreamer that I have the word “dreamer” tattooed, en Espanol, on my hip from circa sophomore year in college.
And I love Dreamers. Honestly, where would we be without them? Somebody had to dream up so many of the amazing things we find commonplace today-and our world would be dull without them. But all of the incredible things around us are here, because a dreamer took action.
A dream is nothing without Action.
And for a lot of people, and a lot of dreams, we will never even know about them, let alone see them come to fruition.
You have to take a single action step. Not every single action step all at once. No, that would be overwhelming. I am talking about a single actionable step. Something to move the needle even a little bit.
Finding the courage to take an actionable step will give you some confidence. It will set the ball in motion. And then you will need to take another step. And then another and another. And guess what? Slowly but surely, your dream is starting to take shape. It is actually a real thing. Your dream is in motion.
If we never take an action step, our dreams and our goals, they are nothing more than a figment of our imagination. And I don’t know about you but I want more for my dreams, my husband’s dreams and our family’s dreams than for them to just stay stuck in our minds. I want to experience them, feel them, breathe them.
Some of you have been sitting on that dream in your heart for far too long. You have gifts, talents, and ideas that if put into action would change the trajectory of you and your family's future. Do the world around you a favor and take a single action step. Just one. I know it will be scary, but being scared is just a feeling and we can’t let our feelings dictate our futures.
We need the Dreamers to start movin and shakin-to stare down the fear of failure and step out in courage. Don’t let anyone tell you that your dream is a waste of time. If God put a dream in your heart, it is time to lean in and see where He plans to lead you with it.
I have no problem with the fact that I have “Dreamer” permanently imbedded on my skin in black ink. It is my reminder to keep on dreaming and keep on doing. Our time on this side of Heaven is much too short to put our dreams off another day. And that ink will stay there to remind me, to remind you, it’s time to take a step.