Rise and Thrive, Mama!
Our culture has made motherhood out to be some type of hinderance to women, something that will hold us back, hold us down.
I fiercely disagree with that.
Yes- There’s the laundry, and the dishes, and the floors that need swept. The meals that need cooked, the homework that needs checked, the practice that they need driven to, the vitamins that need taken, and the doctors' appointments that need made. The play dates and the bath times, the boo-boos and the birthday parties.
There is a lot. It is easy to let “other” stuff fall by the wayside. Our health, our marriages, our finances, our faith, our priorities-sometimes they get moved to the backburner.
There is no shame in falling into that hamster wheel of motherhood where we are so exhausted that just making it through the day is a win. We have all been there at some point. But don’t stay there.
But don’t let motherhood become your excuse- let it become your catalyst.
I want to challenge your mindset to something greater. I want us to see motherhood as a propellant- helping us to become the best versions of ourselves we can be- because there are little eyes watching.
Instead of saying to ourselves, “I’m a mom of little ones, I just don’t have time to workout right now,” let’s flip that script. “I’m a mom, so I must find time to workout. I need the energy to be able to keep up with these kids.”
Instead of saying, “I’m a mom of little ones, I don’t have time to eat healthy,” let's say, “I’m a mom so I have to eat healthy to stay well for these kids and set an example of a healthy lifestyle.”
Instead of saying, “I’m a mom of little ones, I don’t have time to start a home business right now,” try saying, “I’m a mom and I know this business I have wanted to start will make a positive impact on our family's future. It will take hard work, but I am going to show these kids to follow their dreams.”
Instead of saying, “I’m a mom of little ones, I am exhausted and don’t have time to date my husband,” try saying, “I am mom and I want to keep this marriage healthy. I want my kids to grow up in a home with a healthy marriage. I need to find a way to keep this marriage alive.”
Instead of saying, “I’m a mom of little ones, I just want to sleep in on Sunday,” try saying, “I want my kids to grow up in a church that will cultivate their faith. I want them to know and love the Lord and I know getting them into a good church will help me do that.”
Instead of saying, “I’m a mom of little ones, it is just too hard for us to save, invest and pay off our debt right now,” try saying, “As a mom, I want us to invest in our future, get ourselves out of debt and have financial peace.”
Let motherhood be the spark that lights your fire, not one that smolders it.
Yes, it is exhausting. Yes, there will be hard days. But they are looking at you as the example.
It is a remarkably high calling. Some days you will need to dig a little deeper. Some days you will fall flat on your face, and those are the days the kids will see you brush yourself off and get back up again.
Those are the days they will see their mom as the warrior that she is.
It’s time to Rise and Thrive, Mamas.