Sharing our Faith
Just because we share our faith does not mean we never experience anxiety, worry or fear.
It means that when we feel these emotions, we can trust that God is bigger than our fear and calls us to live a life of peace where we can cast our worry and fear upon Him. We share our faith because we want others to know His peace.
Just because we share our faith does not mean we are perfect, or that we think of ourselves as superior.
It means we acknowledge that we are sinners and we cannot earn His Grace. Grace is a free gift that we humbly accept and are forever grateful to have received. We will still mess up, but we will try our best to live for Him. We want others to receive His Grace.
Just because we share our faith does not mean we do not experience regret or shame from our past.
It means we still have a way to go, but we thank God we are not where we used to be. It means we have experienced His life changing love, and we want others to experience it as well.
Just because we share our faith does not mean we do not experience hurt, loss, disappointment and trouble.
It means that when we walk in those valleys, we know we are not alone. We know that we are not promised a life of ease and comfort, but a life walked with God where we will never be left alone or forsaken. We want others to know He is with them in life’s deepest valleys and on life’s highest mountaintops.
Just because we share our faith does not mean we never question or get frustrated with God.
It means that despite the disappointments, loss and heartaches we trust that God is working out all things for our good, even when we can’t see how. It means we know that He is Good. It means that although we may not understand the why on this side of heaven, we trust that He has a good plan for our future. We want others to know God cares for them and has a good plan for their life.
Just because we share our faith does not mean we have it all together.
It means that while we don’t have it all together, we will trust in The One who does. It means we know that when we seek Him, we will find Him. We want others to know God loves them and that they can place their faith and trust in Him.